
Technology related content

OpenScad Wedge

Just a quick post. Unfortunately, OpenScad does not have a wedge. This basically is a cylinder that you can pick how many degrees of the circle to draw. There are […]

Neopixel Display

A few weeks ago, I went ahead and made a display for Christmas (and Halloween at the time). It was a pretty big hit. It may not be the first […]

This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a […]

Today is just a bit on a funny effect of Java 7’s way of doing try-with-resource scoping. Consider the following partial class for a poolable autoclosong resource:

Vagrant and chef are two amazing programs. Since chef’s DSL is just ruby, you have the ability to make very intelligent recipes. One thing few people realize, is that Vagrant […]